Introducing the 4 B's
The Bee 4 Goodnight book introduces four basic principles, or 4 B's, to help children ease into a bedtime routine. These four concepts, also known as the stations of goodnight, harness the power of visual learning to instill the lessons behind each concept. Introducing the 4 B's

This station of goodnight encourages cleanliness. Whether it's a full bath or washing up before bed, your child will be excited to race you to the first station of goodnight.

This station of goodnight encourages oral hygiene. Using a fun sing-along tune, your child will learn to enjoy brushing their teeth and doing it with impressive results!

This station of goodnight encourages learning and helps calm your child's mind. Having an exciting book waiting before bed will keep your child motivated through the first two stations.

The last station of goodnight encourages a full night's rest. By the time your child has made it through the other stations, their mind and body will be ready for a good night's sleep.